Valerie Caterinicchia, R.N.
Research Nurse
Coordinator for UAB's Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Clinical Studies Unit
“I originally answered an ad for a position in
spinal research, but they did away with that position, but there was an opening
in breast cancer research. I’d never done research or oncology, but I decided
to give it a try. I’ve been here ever since and love it.”
What does your interaction with the
patient look like?
the patient comes in, we assess any side effects, and if anything is abnormal,
we consult the protocol for what to do. One of my favorite parts of my job is
alleviating my patients’ fears and anxieties. When they first come in, they’re
scared. I’m there to hold their hand and comfort them and let them know it’s
going to be okay.”
Do you consider your job challenging?
drugs are getting more and more complex. Sometimes I feel like I need to go
back to college to re-learn the anatomy and physiology, but we have great
teachers in our physicians who can explain it to us so that we can explain it
to the patients.”

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