Q: Do cancer patients have specific issues regarding
Dr. Salvador: Patients suffering from cancer have
more problems with lack or poor quality of sleep than people without cancer.
Fifty percent of cancer patients suffer from sleep disorders compared to 15
percent in the people without cancer. Insomnia (lack
of sleep) can present as difficulty falling asleep, waking up several times
during the night, or waking up early with being able to go back to sleep. For
cancer patients, certain medications, hospitalization, chemo, radiation, or
hormonal therapy, pain, hot flashes, nausea and vomiting as well and anxiety
and depression can keep them from getting much needed sleep.
Q: Is there a certain number of hours cancer patients
should sleep?
Dr. Salvador: For a healthy patient, 6 to 8 hours of
sleep would suffice. A person with cancer would need to sleep at least as much,
taking into account how much they slept before the diagnosis as well as their
age. However, if a person feels they are sleeping too much, mentioning it to
your doctor is a good idea.
Q: What about cancer survivors? Will their body ever
return to “normal” or will their bodies demand more sleep than average?
Dr. Salvador: Some survivors continue to have sleep
problems and we don’t understand why. And, though there is evidence that
suggests that a good sleep routine may increase survival, researchers are still
trying to understand this relationship and what is normal.
Q: What should someone do if they have trouble staying
asleep or cannot stay asleep?

Q: How does sleep play in to stress?
Dr. Salvador: Stress usually causes a person to lose
sleep. The less sleep, the more fatigue; the more fatigue the less ability to
cope with stress. So, this ends up being a cycle that’s difficult to treat
unless caught in time. A cancer patient needs to make their oncologist aware of
stress and how is it is affecting his/her quality of life. Then the oncologist
can refer them to get the care they need.
Q: Do cancer patients tend to need more sleep than
non-cancer patients?
Dr. Salvador: Everyone needs sleep to maintain a
normal balance, but cancer patients need sleep more to help their bodies fight
the cancer and deal with the added stress of the disease and the treatment.
Sleep allows the body to restore its energy, repair damaged tissues and keep
the immune system balanced. Thus, with a lack of sleep, fatigue sets in, the
immune system becomes more vulnerable and activities become more difficult. It
also increases the risk of depression. Therefore, good sleep habits help the
body recover from illnesses as well as from cancer and its treatment.
How to get
a good night’s sleep:
Limit or discontinue caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.
Daytime naps
should only be 15-20 minutes.
activities in the evening (such as exercise,
stressful movie, computers, etc.) that
can stimulate you. Instead use restful music, reading or relaxation techniques
in the evening hours.
Follow a sleep routine. Go to bed and get up around the same
If you can’t
fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and try another form of relaxation.
Do not use the bed to read or watch TV. Train your body to
know that your bed is for rest.
ry complementary therapy approaches like mindfulness
meditation, yoga, guided imagery/hypnosis, muscle relaxation exercises.
Some herbs and supplements can be helpful. However, consult
an integrative medicine oncologist who can recommend those that will work best
for you without interfering with your treatment. He or she can also help you
understand the correct doses.
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